
Best Book for Plant Breeding and Genetics

Are you looking for the best book to read for plant breeding and genetics ? Then you are at the right place.
Many books have been written about genetics and plants breeding and they can help you with your studies. But, today i am talking about the best book to read for plant breeding and genetics. 

Best Book to real plant breeding and genetics 

Well, PBG (plant breeding and genetics) is starter long time ago and many scientists have wrote their experiments and experience in this field in many books. But the most comprehensive book which is recommended by many plant breeders is the Principle of Genetics 

Why Principle of Genetics is the best book to read for plant breeding and genetics?

Because it is one of the most comprehensive book which includes all the study related to genetics and it is good for both beginners and advanced level students to understand.
The book Principle of Genetics has been written by B.D Singh. 
Best book to read for plant breeding and genetics

Principle of Genetics has all of it which makes it the best book to read for plant breeding and genetics 

  • This book contains many chapters and it includes all basic knowledge about breeding and how some other factors including biotic and abiotic factors which effect the plants breeding pattern. 
  • This book also discuss how some features or traits are breed through different parents to offapring.
  • Principle of genetics includes basic principles like selection, breeding, hybrid development and many more subjects
  • There are separate chapters for each category. You can get a whole chapter about stress on plants which comprehensively describes it.
  • Major breeding crops are also have been given in chapters which includes their morphology, their breeding methods and how we can develop hybrids to get desired traits in them.

Breeders trust principle of genetics to be the best book to read for plant breeding and genetics 

As I’ve mentioned earlier that this book contains all the knowledge of B.D Singh and his experiences. There are many performed experiments are also been given in the book which can be checked by breeders and genetistics. 

My Opinion 
Being a plant breeding and genetics student, this book helped me a lot in my studies and I’ve observed that many teachers and scholars quote references from this B.D Singh book. If you are a student or researcher in this field than I’ll say this is the best book to read for plant breeding and genetics for you. 

Note: if you want to add some thing you can share your opinion in comments section
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