
How to overcome the effects of heat in summer 10 best ways

10 best ways to overcome the effects of heat in summer

In summer heat waves cam strike areas of the country where cooler climates are the norms. There are also some health problems caused by heat exhaustion. But the question is how to beat that effect of heat in summer.
Here are some of my tips to overcome the effects of heat:

1.Hydrate your body

Drink a lots of water in day. You can also drink sports electrolyte drinks to energies your body

Whenever your body heats up from physical activity or the hot weather outside, your internal air conditioner turns on and you begin to sweat. And remember, now that your air conditioner is using its coolant (your sweat), it is important to refill the tank — by drinking lots of H2O.

2.keep your food cool and avoid using oven

Summer might be a great time to eat outdoors, but some foods and drinks aren’t that enjoyable when heated by the sun. Avoid using hot meal, make containers or ice blocks for your cooler.

3. Stay cool With your sleep

Summer heat is worst when you’re trying to get some shuteye, because a higher body temperature makes it harder to fall asleep. If you feel like an insomniac in summer, cool your head amd body before sleeping or take a shower.

4.Fruits and vegetables

Eat plenty of foods high in water content. Fruits such as cantaloupe, watermelon, and strawberries are good options.

Try eating lots of vegetables such as celery, cucumber, and cauliflower. You can eat these foods raw in a salad. Alternatively, add a bit of ice to incorporate them into a healthy smoothie since yogurt is also a cooling food.


Peppermint is known for its cooling properties due to its high menthol content, which makes one have the sensation of feeling cooler. You can make a hot or iced peppermint tea and drink it throughout the day. While hot tea may seem to make you feel hotter, drinking hot drinks may help you to sweat more and help to cool down your body.

6. Coconut water

Drinking coconut water is a great way to refresh and revitalize your body. The vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes in coconut water make it an effective way to rehydrate and reenergize your body when you have heat stress. 
7.Dress accordingly

Play it cool in a hat with a wide brim and sunglasses if you’ll be in direct sunlight. You can even carry a parasol or umbrella.
Wear loose, lightly colored clothing in natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, or silk. Semi-synthetics such as rayon and modal can also be worn to combat body heat. Scientists are developing fabrics created especially to keep you cool, such as thermal regulation fabrics. Products made with these types of fabrics are often designed for sport and outdoor activities.

8.Aloe vera

The leaves and inner gel of this healing plant can help to lower body temperatureYou can apply aloe vera gel to your skin for a cooling effect. Either use the inside gel of a fresh plant or a pure aloe vera gel. For added benefits, keep it in the refrigerator before application.Aloe vera can also be consumed internally. Use 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel per cup of water to make a drink.


Nothing knocks good days off a summer calendar like a nasty sunburn. When outdoors, use sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 15. Use a higher-rated, waterproof sunscreen if you'll be poolside or out on the beach. Don't forget to cover areas that burn easily: nose, ears, shoulders, and back of the neck

10.Limit your exercise

 The more you move, the more heat your body generates. If your goal is staying cool, try not to use your muscles more than you need to. Walk around your neighborhood instead of running, coast on your bicycle instead of pumping your pedals, or simply consider driving if it's an option.
Most important of all, take plenty of breaks. Resting allows your body to dissipate some of the heat you've built up from exercising.
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