
How to improve Agriculture sector in Pakistan

How to improve Agriculture in Pakistan

Agriculture is the foundation of Pakistan’s economy—it accounts for over a third of export earnings—and that sector is struggling. The annual agricultural growth rate averaged just 2.8 percent from 2010 to 2014, a significant drop from the growth rates experienced during the previous two decades. While agriculture growth rates are often volatile year-on-year because of weather and market fluctuations, public policy and investment can have profound effects on reducing the impact of this volatility.

Pakistan has the fortune of being in advantageous position to the Indus River, a powerful tool for thriving agricultures in that region, yet it fails to capitalize on this geographic asset. An excerpt from the Pakistan Times reads: “There are few regions in the world that have rivers like mighty Indus, but one could still find a vast desert and arid areas here. This has happened just due to the negligence of policymakers to modernize the irrigation and agriculture.” Pakistan’s woes stem from an inability to adapt to new and future agricultural practices.

Pakistan may achieve its potential by using technologies like Photovoltaics-based pumping for irrigation system reduces electricity costs up to 75%, Drip irrigation is 95% efficient compared to 65% for overhead sprinklers. Phytonutrients and certain antioxidant vitamins and minerals are a newer area of focus in nutrition research that becomes more and more exciting every year, they are a type of plant compound that have a ton of health benefits. Gene recombination technology has generated both expectation and anxiety among its many followers. On the one hand, this new technology demonstrates a potential for increasing agricultural productivity. On the other hand, it enhances the risk of damaging the natural environment and consumers ‘health. The field of epigenetics involves the study of “potentially heritable changes in gene expression, work however, does not involve changes to the DNA sequence. Instead it entails changing a phenotype without changing the genotype, which changes how cells read the genes.

Improving agriculture productivity

The Punjab government has decided to provide modern agricultural inputs to farming community. These inputs are diversified and include approved or certified seed, good quality water for irrigation, fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides.

Besides, decision has also been taken to provide loans on soft term basis, the best way to market agriculture produce and provide laser tractors to farmers at the union council level.

It is a right step in the right direction as the modernization of agriculture depends on the availability of modern inputs along with mechanization. And modern agriculture is imperative to get maximum crop yield.

The gap in average and potential yields is due to the traditional method of cultivation. Replacement with modern methods is the necessity of the modern day. Thus, the Punjab government's decision is most welcome.
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