
What is Plant Breeding and Genetics

Plants Breeding and genetics is the study of plants according to their breeding mechanism and their genetics. it includes study of genes which involve in the breeding characteristics of the plant crops.
plant breeding and genetics introduction

Plants Breeding and Genetics

it is one of the agriculture sub branch in which the focus is mostly on the improvements in the field crops by using different breeding methods and techniques and understanding their genetic patterns. these helps us to make the plants to grow to it's full potential and give high yield which is necessary to meet the world food requirements.
plants breeders are the one who do research on different plants crop and do selection of plants on the basis of their Genotype or Phenotype by using different breeding and genetics approach.
it is a whole study as well as a art of changing the traits in plants to get maximum benefits from them for benefits of mankind.

Types of Plant breeding

there are two major types of plants breeding and both are important in their own manner

Classic Plant Breeding:

in classic plant breeding we study the basic and classic methods of breeding and their impact on plants traits, these classic methods includes Hybridization, and follow the Law of inheritance. it includes classic selection method on the base of Phenotype mostly.

Modern Plant Breeding:

modern plant breeding is applied breeding and it has very large and broad scope as compared to the classic Plant Breeding. it includes many advance studies like Cytogenetics, Biotechnology, uses of Markers etc.

Role of Plants Breeding in Agriculture

Plant Breeding  has very large impact on the whole agriculture because breeders are working hard to get varieties which are more water efficient and resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. they are developing tolerance against insects and environmental stresses.
in plant breeding, breeders are developing early maturing varieties which are beneficial in many manners. we can get multiple crops instead of a single crop in one season by using early maturing varieties and can escape many stresses.
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