
Mutation Breeding in Plants PPT Download for Free

Mutation Breeding PPT

Download mutation breeding in plants in ppt format for free. These Slides include all the general knowledge about mutation breeding and it's objectives.
You will be learning following topics in that Mutation Breeding Slides.

mutation breeding powerpoint presentation download

Outline of Mutation Breeding in Plants Presentation.

  • Introduction of Mutation
  • Mutation Breeding Definition
  • Types of mutations
  • Mutagens and it's Types
  • Chemical Mutagens
  • Physical Mutagens
  • Mutagenic treatment
  • Handling of mutagenic population
  • Mutations Characteristics
  • Mutation Effect
  • Objectives of Mutation Breeding
  • Procedure of Mutation Breeding
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of mutation breeding

Mutation breeding is a sudden heritable change in gene structure of an organism. it alters the genetic basis at nucleotide levels.
Mostly mutations are lethal but some mutations are also vital mutations. Vital Mutations are used in breeding program.

How we can improve plants physiological and morphological traits by using mutation breeding and what are the limitations in this breeding approach.
What are the  future aspects of mutation breeding.
All these questions are answered in this presentation. 

Types of Mutation:

Based on Visibility, Mutations are Macro mutation and Micro mutation.
Based on Source, Mutations are Induced mutation and Spontaneous mutation.

Download Mutation Breeding in ppt Format:

Download the slides presentation from below link. it has 27 Slides and references are also given at the end of slide.
It was presented on a seminar in Master Class.

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