
Principles of Seed Production PPT Download

Principle of Seed Production

There are two types of Principles for Seed production and these includes Genetic and Agronomic principles.
principles of seed production
As you can see in above image the types of principles and they are further divided into sub categories.

In Genetic there are various steps which are used for the production of new seed in plant population.
the first and foremost thing which is important for production of new seed is Variations.

How variations Occurs in Plant population?

As a breeder we should know that variation is the key to developing new seeds. because without variation, there would be no new traits and all seeds would remain same.

There are different types of variation causes.
  • Deterioration of varieties
  • Developmental variation
  • mutation
  • natural crossing
  • minor genetic variations
These are all genetic sources of variations in plants.

Now let'e Move to the Agronomic causes.
  • Selection of climate
  • Preparation of land
  • Isolation of seed crop
  • After harvest care

Presentation of Principle of Seed Production ppt format Download

These are just the outline of Principle of Seed Production presentation.
You can download the full presentation from below link.

It includes all principle which are important for seed production. All agronomic practices and breeders method to maintain the variety and how to save seed from mixing.
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