
Should i choose plant breeding and genetics as a major subject in Agriculture

Selection of Agriculture Major Subject

If you are a student of Agriculture and you are confuse that which major should you select than this article will help you to decide whether or not select plant breeding and genetics as major subject.
Plant breeding and genetics is advance study of plant hereditary characters and their genotypes. If you have read biology than you have some knowledge about it. It involves conceptual knowledge and practical knowledge also so a plant breeder have to perform different experiments on plants in fields and in laboratories as well. So it’s just like becoming yscientist of plants.
So far those students who are into biological sciences and botany, they can choose this subject because in some countries PBG (plant breeding and genetics) is equivalent to the botany.
Unlike other majors of Agriculture for example Agronomy, horticulture etc. Which are general knowledge and they are less complicated as compared to PBG.
PBG involves genetics which includes Genes, DNA, genotypes and phenotypes etc. You have to understand the process of combining of genes and transferring of heredity from parents to offsprings which is very complex and for average mind it will cause problem I understanding.

Future Aspects of Plant Breeding and Genetics?

There are less jobs in pbg field as compared to other Agriculture majors. Many jobs are available for agronomists and horticulturist but very few jobs for plant breeders.
Most of the time breeders are working as a marketing person in a pesticide company regardless of what they have learned.


If you want to gain some advance level knowledge about the plants heredity and how characters are transformed from generation to generation than you might select this major otherwise if your main concern is job than i will suggest that you should go for Agronomy, horticulture or entamology.
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